a modern approach to Growth

Recruitment Consulting to Shape Your Company's Future

Grow Efficiently and Sustainably

Designing a Strong Recruitment Function

While many start-up companies have help on a role-to-role basis for recruitment, we noticed that few have access to dedicated expertise to help design and implement a recruitment structure that will scale with them as they grow.  

We go beyond simply giving advice - we roll up our sleeves to help execute on the hiring strategies we design. We help our partners strengthen their internal recruitment capabilities by addressing the three pillars of a successful recruitment strategy: PROCESS, PIPELINE, and BRAND.


From making a good impression on potential candidates to saving time and energy by keeping organized, having a straight-forward and easy-to-use recruitment process is vitally important to efficient growth.

Our Process toolkit with simple and effective forms, templates, training and coaching for your hiring team, will help ensure every interaction is as effective and efficient as possible.


Developing a robust pipeline of candidates goes beyond posting on a job board or hiring an agency for one-off searches.

Our Pipelining expertise will help you think about the different ways your company can engage with and attract the best talent in the space. We will then help you strategically employ every avenue available to gain early access to the best people.


Companies with an excellent brand will receive up to 200% more applicants per vacancy, yet only 6% of most company's recruiting budget goes towards strengthening their brand image. That sounds like a huge opportunity to us!

We strive to understand how your Brand is perceived both internally, and within the larger market, then work with you to enhance that image. Through values workshops, messaging coaching, real time industry data, and social media utilization we will give you the tools necessary to become a brand to be reckoned with in the space.

Choose what works for you

With Our Simple Packages

Single Search

One-off search for critical hires
  • Exclusive candidates
  • Regular progress reports
  • Headhunted candidates
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Three to four searches to be run at a discount
  • All features of single search
  • Discounted hiring rates
  • Smaller initial retainer fees
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Partnology Partnership

Recruitment consulting and search services
  • Dedicated Partnology team
  • Bespoke consulting strategy
  • Discounted hiring rates
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Frequently Asked Questions

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Get in touch with us

Do I have to use both your recruitment and consulting services?

No. While we find it useful to help companies improve their recruitment functions as we are working on searches (so as to have good examples of when and how to employ which tool), we allow our clients the freedom to choose what types and levels of service work best for them.

Do you only work with start-ups?

No, while our inspiration for starting Partnology was a need we saw within a lot of start-ups, we will partner with any company who feels our offering can help their recruitment efforts.

What is your average search length?

Like snowflakes, all searches are different. However, on average our search to completion time is 1-2 months for Senior Level placements and 2-4 months for Executive searches.

When will Partnology start charging me?

We offer monthly, quarterly and annual options for our consulting packages. Our search practice offers different payment structures based on project, commitment, and package. Please reach out directly to learn more. All of our agreements are subject to net 14 days payment from date of invoice.

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